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Autorização de Residência - Procedimento Simplificado

COVID-19: the impact on immigrants and all other foreign citizens in Portugal

Autorização de Residência - Procedimento Simplificado

The exceptional situation caused by the outbreak of the disease COVID-19 imposed extraordinary measures in order to provide an effective and urgent response to this pandemic, the most significative being the limitation of circulation and the general duty to home confinement of all citizens, including the immigrants and all other foreign citizens currently staying in Portugal.
In this sense, in the domain of the regime applicable to immigrants and foreigners, the Government established several measures, of which should be highlighted the following:
– Regularization of the Situation in Portugal of Foreigners with Pending Applications
– Validity of the residence cards expired or to be expired
– Face-to-face appointments only for urgent situations
– Online service and submission of applications
– Issuance of passports